I taste Freekeh in Morocco, for those who didn’t know what it is; Freekeh is similar in texture to Bulgur Wheat and cooked in the same way. Also, it is packed full of vital vitamins and minerals. I really want to cook it here in the USA, but I don’t know where I could buy it. Can anyone help me with this?
I used to buy it from a grocery store, but it doesn’t carry it anymore. Now, I order it online, just look for it.
You can order it online, but be sure to rinse and soak it if you don’t want to find the occasional bit of charred hull in your mouth.
Hi ,
As i am vegetarian, it is one of my preferable dishes. However, I buy it from the grocery store.
Oh.. I really like it too, I tried before. when cooked, it’s compared to brown rice in texture and taste!